Saturday, December 19, 2015

Marathon Training Week One Recap

Well, I made it through week one of marathon training!  Woo hoo!!  My new coach has me training by time on the road and heart rate.  Luckily, I had my old Garmin heart rate monitor and just ordered a new strap which made it to my house by Tuesday.  I also have my TomTom Cardio watch, which I thought wasn't very accurate because it always says my heart rate is so high.  Turns out, it may not have been so inaccurate after all.

Monday morning, I woke up at 5 AM to run on my treadmill.  My coach emailed me how to do some warm up lunges before running.  I read my devotion and got started at around 5:30.  I set my timer and did my warm up lunges then walked on my treadmill for a few minutes before beginning my 45 minute heart rate run.  I was supposed to keep my heart rate under 150 and that was a struggle.  I wore my TomTom and it said my HR was already at 160.  I was only running at 5.8 mph on the treadmill which is supposed to be around 10:30 pace.  I was a little irritated with my watch reading so I pretty much ran how I felt.  My average HR ended up being 157 which was too high.
 I was in a hurry and had to get all three children up and ready for school.  I took my son to preschool, came home to shower, and head up to the elementary school to watch my middle child's Christmas program  The program started at 9 and I managed to slide into my seat at 9:02.  I was just in time!  Whew!  It was a super busy day!

Tuesday was a little more relaxed and not so rushed.  My schedule called for 20 minute core and lower body workout plus 30 minutes of cycling.  My son is home on Tuesdays so I did my 20 minute workout downstairs in our play room.  Squats, lunges, side lunges, sit ups, side leg kickouts, plus much more all on my Bosu ball.  I focused a lot on my hips because they are pretty weak.  I make up my own workouts.  Sometimes I follow a workout on Pinterest, but I mostly just make it up and repeat each circuit 3 times.  
Ouch.  My legs were pretty shaky when I finished then my son and I headed up to the lake where my husband was working so I could ride my bike.  The weather was so beautiful that day and I really enjoyed riding my bike.  My husband and I bought bikes last year, but we haven't been riding them much at all.  I forgot how much I enjoyed it!  I thought it would be so hard bike riding at the lake because of all the hills, but it wasn't as bad as running.  I rode 5.3 miles in 30 minutes and my legs felt like jello when I finished.  I did great work on Tuesday and enjoyed the change in my routine.

Wednesday was another early morning. I had to get up and make bacon for Cayne's preschool class Christmas party.  The class was planning on eating breakfast then opening their presents.  While I made the bacon, I drank my morning coffee.  
My husband got Cayne ready for school so I could go ahead and get my run in before heading to his Christmas party.  The schedule for this day called for a 5 minute warm up and 4 mile MAF test.  MAF stands for Maximum Aerobic Function.  
I was supposed to keep my HR under 150 again and it was a struggle.  I used my new Garmin HR strap plus my TomTom watch to see if they matched.  They were actually pretty close to reading the same heart rate. It was very frustrating and I had to walk a lot to get my HR back down.  My coach said if my HR got up to 152 to start walking until it dropped to low 140's.  My splits were 11:09, 11:45, 12:12, and 12:08.  It seemed the longer I ran, the higher my HR.  I told  myself if every run is like this, this is going to be a long 4 months of training. At least I felt good after my run and came home to get ready for Cayne's Christmas party.  We had another full and busy day!

Thursday was my rest and recovery day or yoga!  I was so happy to make it to this day of the week.  I was tired from the busyness of the week and training.  My legs were super sore from Tuesdays cycling and lower body workout.  I had read a couple of posts from my IG friends about Jasoyoga.  I decided to get their subscription and try out a couple videos.  I did a couple of their hip reset videos and let me tell you, it was just what my sore hips needed!!  The stretches felt amazing!!  I am going to enjoy these videos on Thursdays!

Fridays are my long run days and I had an hour and 30 minute long run on schedule with the usual 5 minute warm up.  I did my lunges and other dynamic movements before heading out early for my long run. All three kiddos spent the night at my mother-in-laws so I headed out around 7 or so.  It was COLD outside!  I had on two shirts to start.  I decided not to drink or eat anything before my run and it took me several miles to get my heart rate up to 140.  Since I thought I would be running slowly, I did not prepare for this long run like I usually do.  I didn't drink or eat enough the day before and my body could tell.  I felt like I was dragging, but I still managed a good solid pace during the entire run.  It was definitely a pretty tough run, but I made it and I was very happy with my pace and distance.  I made it 8.63 miles in an hour and 30 minutes with my heart rate finally at an average of 138.  I am guessing coffee is what is causing my HR to go up so fast.

Saturday was my short run day with a 10 minute warm up and 30 minute run on schedule.  I tried to rest this morning since we have to be at church early Sunday morning for the children's Christmas program.  I drove up to the lake for a change of scenery and it was still cold at 9:15!  I did have coffee so my HR jumped up to 140 in no time.  I had trouble keeping my HR under 150 and since I was climbing hills my HR got up in the 170's.  Oops.  I have to press buttons to see my HR screen and I really just wanted to run today.  My average HR was about 151 this morning.  So coffee AND hill climbing makes my heart rate go way up.  Now I know for sure! I came home and did a quick 20 minute core and upper body workout which was also on schedule. 

All in all, I had a great first week of training.  Heart rate training is new to me and I had to figure some things out.  I am very excited about training with a new coach and look forward to getting my new schedule tomorrow!  I am getting very close to finished with Christmas shopping too and that makes me very happy!  I'm looking forward to spending the week with my family.  Have a blessed week friends!!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

St. Jude Half Marathon Race Recap

Wow, what an amazing race weekend at the St. Jude Half Marathon in Memphis!  I met my $1,000 fundraising goal the day before we left for Memphis!  I was so very thankful for that.  I'd seriously started rolling change a month ago because I had so much money to raise and didn't think I would make my goal.  Then, all of a sudden, people started donating.  What a wonderful blessing for the children who are patients at St. Jude Children's Hospital.  My goal for this race was to beat my time from the year before which was 2:27:06 and I did it!!

Friday before the race, I got up at 5 AM and read my morning devotions.  I jumped on the treadmill for my holiday runstreak mile, then took a shower and started getting the kids ready for school.  I kissed my two daughters goodbye and my husband took them to school.  My mother came to pick my little boy up for preschool and get all of their clothes for the weekend.  She had given me a sweet travelling package the night before filled with candy, music, and tumblers for us.  I kissed my baby boy bye too and finished packing up my things.  We were on the road by 8 AM!  
I wanted to get to the expo earlier this year than last year because the crowd was a little overwhelming late in the evening.  We stopped for a biscuit and stopped by a gift shop in Mendenhall called Ballyhoo.  My husband bought me a new bracelet and a Fingerprint Pottery coffee mug as a prerace gift.  Aaaaaaw.  We stopped for lunch in north Mississippi and made it to Memphis Cook Convention Center by 2:30 in the afternoon!  I was so excited to be there!  We parked and headed upstairs to the expo.  I went in the main room and couldn't find my number so I told a volunteer my number and they said I was "VIP" and to pick up my packet in a different room.  Oooooh.  
I thought I might be a VIP Hero, but I wasn't for sure.  We went to the VIP packet pick up room and got my number and $25 discount for clothing.  Then we went back to the main room to get my shirt and bag.  Once I was all fixed up, my husband and I went shopping!  I knew I probably wouldn't get to come back next year so I bought a St. Jude hoodie, hat, two ornaments, and a race shirt for my 8 year old.  She had asked for us to bring her running clothes home from Memphis.  Swoon.  My husband bought himself a hat too!  Then we walked over to the next room where there were plenty of other vendors with shoes and shirts, race entries and such.  I signed my name on the board and found my name on the Ford Explorer.  It was on the praying baby!
 We walked around for a little while since our check in time wasn't until 4 at the Peabody.  We headed out of the expo at around 345 and asked someone to take our picture.
 Christopher took a picture of me holding my bib number then it was off to the Peabody Hotel.  
Wow, there were so many people there!  It didn't take us long to check in and we headed up to our room on the 9th floor to rest before dinner at Texas de Brazil which was right by our hotel.  Super convenient and it was really good food.  We had to take our picture by the big Christmas tree in our hotel lobby before heading back to the room.  We checked in with the kids and then it was time to sleep!  I slept pretty well considering it was the night before a big race.

The next thing I new it was race morning!  I could hear music playing and announcer's talking through a microphone as early as 6 AM.  I looked out the window and saw runners every where and they looked cold!  I had trouble deciding between a long sleeved or short sleeved shirt underneath my singlet, but I went with short sleeved because I warm up quickly while I'm running.  I planned on meeting Debi from Girls Run the 901 and Tricia from MissSippipiddlin and the rest of the Run 365 crew in front of the Flying Saucer at 745.  I packed my snickers in my flip belt, my headphones and cell phone, kissed my husband bye and headed downstairs at about 725.  I walked out of the hotel and it was freezing.  Probably in the 30's.  I was wearing a jacket which I planned on throwing away with hand warmers in the pockets.  I headed down 2nd Street looking for the Flying Saucer.  I passed it and didn't see anyone I knew so I waited a few feet from the meeting spot for about 5 minutes and I saw Debi!  I headed straight for her and we gave each other a big hug!  I saw Cecilia from MommiesRun. and gave her a big hug and I got to meet Tara from RunningnReading!  I have been following her for a long time.  Tricia and her husband Greg walked up and gave her a hug and Greg a high five!  I saw Scott Stader and gave him a high five as well.  What a wonderful reunion!  
We all chatted a few minutes and then it was time for our group picture just like last year!  
We took several pictures as a group and it was time to say good bye.  I also got to meet Debi's friend Don.  I told her I hoped she had a good race and wished Tricia good luck before heading up to my corral.  I chose corral number 8 since the pace said 10:10-10:30 or something like that.  We sang the National Anthem and it was time for the first wave to run!  
It was so exciting when we started walking forward.  It took 45 minutes for me to start in Nashville, but only 15 minutes here at St. Jude.  I ditched my jacket at the starting line..COLD.. and it was time to run!!

I can honestly say I felt strong the entire time I ran this race.  There were no moments of struggle like last year.  I think last year I got in the corral that said 2:20 and tried to keep up with my friends and the pacers.  It seemed like they were running a little too fast plus I was not in as good of shape last year and already had a nagging knee injury.  This time, I did not start too fast and there seemed like more hills at the beginning of this course than last year's. At mile 3 we were running by the Mississippi River just like last year and we ran by the Convention Center.  There was a steep incline around mile 4.  Wow!  At Meridian two weeks ago I had to start walking the hills, but in Memphis, I ran every single hill.  I refused to stop and walk the hills at this race.  My mind was so much more focused on the reason why I was there to run in the first place and it was for those children who are patients at St. Jude Children's Hospital.  
At mile 5 I could see the hospital and it was time to run through the campus... and then I saw the children were out.  I immediately started crying.  I could not catch my breath.  I passed a little girl in her wheel chair and gave so many high fives.  One little girl in particular was probably around 6 or 7 with her little beanie hat on.  She was smiling and giving high fives.  She looked so happy.  I cried harder and made sure to shake her hand.  Mercy.  I savored this moment, and took my time running through the campus.  There were so many people.  They were so glad to see us and so filled with joy.  I imagine that is what heaven will be like when we arrive.  I enjoyed every second running through the hospital.  I will never forget all of those smiling faces.  Then it was time to run out and before I knew it, the race was almost half way over.  When I ran out of the hospital and regained my composure, I remembered that it was at this point of the race last year that I started to struggle.  That really motivated me to start running a little harder!  I finished mile 6 at 10:29 and mile 7 at 10:15!  I kept thinking we would run to Overton Park again like last year, but we didn't.  Miles 8-10 I ran at 10:28, 10:34 (I stopped to eat my snickers bar lol), and 10:27.  I really thought after 10 miles that if I hustled, I would PR.  I ran 10 miles in an hour and 43 minutes and if I would finish the last 3 miles in 30 minutes and really hustled, I might possible get that personal record!  So I really tried to pick up the pace and ran up and down more hills.  There were so many people and my legs had been hurting from hill climbing again after 6 miles.  That's what happened last year, but instead of falling to pieces, I was able to push through it this year.  I ran miles 11-13 at 10:12, 10:04, and 10:09.  After mile 12, a girl came to a complete stop right in front of me and we collided.  It felt like I had been body slammed!  She apologized, but this happened a lot at this race for some reason.  Runners would stop and walk right in front of me and this happened as early as before the first mile marker.  I made it 13 miles in about 2 hours and 14 minutes, but I had not turned to go inside the Autozone Park yet.  I kept running and running as hard as I could and then it happened...a major side stitch..the kind that hurts so badly you can't catch your breath.  I was hurting so badly, I missed my husband who was right by the finish line before I turned into the park.

 Time kept ticking and I stopped my watch at 2:16:59 and the distance said 13.28 miles.  I got my medal and took my picture.  I was a little disappointed that I had worked so hard at the end of the race to not PR, but I was still so thankful for a wonderful race compared to the year before.  I was much more focused and ran with purpose for those sweet children.  I enjoyed every moment.  You cannot beat the Memphis crowd, calling me by name and cheering.  I high fived so many people and children.  It was simply amazing.  It took me a long time to make my way out of the Autozone Park.  I ended up walking around the entire thing to get out to my husband.  On the way out, I stopped and sipped some hot potato soup from McAllister's and made a bee line for the Krispy Kreme donuts and ate one glazed donut.  Yummy!  I walked and walked and heard someone call my name.  It was Jennifer from Teacher in Training and her husband!  
I was so very excited to meet her.  They helped me find out what my official finish time was and it was 2:16:53, a few seconds better than what my watch read.  We chatted for a minute and I headed toward the exit to find my husband.  I was ready to see him!  He was standing by the chocolate milk and he gave me a big hug and kiss and told me good job.  He even bought me a finisher shirt..swoon!  
I was ready to sit down at this point so we headed back to the Peabody which was right across the street from Autozone Park.  I took a long hot bath and Christopher bought me coffee and enjoyed a relaxing day and night together before heading home bright and early at 6 AM the following morning.  Our two daughters had piano recital Sunday afternoon and I had my women's church Christmas party.

Wow, I am still overjoyed and thankful I had the opportunity to run the St. Jude Half Marathon 2 years in a row.  Last year did not go so well and I suffered severe fatigue and exhaustion when we got home from Memphis.  This year, we came home to a busy schedule and a very sick little girl, but I felt just fine and ready to take care of everything.  That's what busy mothers do after all!  I went to my Surgical Oncologist Monday afternoon and he told me I did not have to come back to see him for a year!  I was so excited!  It was such an awesome weekend at St. Jude and being able to spend time with my husband.  I love being a St. Jude Hero and running for those sweet kids.  I love running for a cause and running for my buddy, Sophia.  I feel like my running has purpose and glory to God for bringing me through a tough year of running last year.  I am ending 2015 on such a happy, positive note and injury free!  I think the struggles make us strong.  It has taken a long time for everything to come together, but the main thing I did was not give up.  Last year was so hard coming home from Memphis, I ended up even going to the doctor because I was dizzy and exhausted.  I could have called it quits then, but I didn't.  I kept getting out there and running because I love it.  Running has opened so many doors for me and I've met so many wonderful people and I am so excited to see what 2016 has in store for me.  Thank you for reading!  God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Magnolia Half Marathon Race Recap

Wow, I can't believe it has already been almost a week since I ran the Magnolia Half Marathon in Meridian, Mississippi!  I ended up not getting the PR I was hoping for, but I am still very proud of myself for my ability to take on the Meridian hills like I did!

I decided earlier in the week to go ahead and book a hotel room in Meridian for last Friday night.  My original plan was to just drive up race morning, but I'm so glad I didn't do that.  My husband had been out of town so I thought having a hotel room and a big king size bed all to myself for one night didn't seem so bad after all.  I usually do not sleep well in hotel rooms the night before a race.  Does anybody??  I messaged Tricia Vaughn from over at MissSippipiddlin back and forth during the week because she lives up there and was also running the Magnolia Half. She was so nice to include me in their dinner plans for the night before the race and she also gave me directions to the hotel I would be staying at.  I booked my room at Fairfield Inn and Suites which was also where I would pick up my packet.  My children got out of school early on Friday so I was able to head on up to Meridian a little after 2 o'clock.  I made it up their in no time and found my hotel easily thanks to Tricia's directions!  I checked into the hotel, took my luggage up to my room, then went back downstairs to pick up my packet.  They asked me to write down what I wanted them to say as I crossed the finish line.  I wrote that I run for Sophia, the children of St. Jude, and for my children.  I headed back up to the room and sent all my people a text that I had made it safely to Meridian.  I had such a nice room; the hotel upgraded me to a suite for some reason!  I laid down and dozed off until about 5:30 and got up to get ready for dinner.  Tricia had to come pick up her packet so she said I could ride with her, her husband Greg, and her friend Leah to dinner.  We left a little after 6:30 and headed to a restaurant called Weidmann's.  I ordered the chicken alfredo which had mushrooms and broccoli!  It was delicious!  Leah ordered fried green tomatoes, but I passed on those.  I did eat some of Tricia's peanut butter and crackers!  Yum!  The food was great, but the company was even better.  I enjoyed getting to know all of them even more.  I actually met Tricia and Greg back in March at the Bring it to the Bay Half Marathon!  It was so nice to sit down and have a meal together.  It's hard to visit after a race because I'm usually TIRED.  We finished up our dinner and they kindly drove me back to my hotel room.  I headed up to shower and straight to bed.  I didn't sleep much, but if I can just lay down and rest for a few hours, that is good enough for me.

Next thing I knew it was race morning!  I got up at 515 AM and was out the door at 6.  I have to be honest, I didn't eat anything and drank only a few sips of Gatorade before the race.  I drink so much and eat a lot the day before plus I had had stomach issues almost during each long run while training.  I really did not want any tummy issues on race day.  I packed two small snickers bars in my flipbelt and planned eating the first one at mile 4.  Hungry why wait??  I arrived at the park where the race started and waited for Tricia to get there.  I sat in my truck with the heat on as long as I could.  I decided to wear a short sleeved shirt and it was about 43 degrees outside.  Brrrr.  I got out and walked toward the porta potties and immediately saw Leah!  I stood by her for a few minutes and decided to hit the porta potty one last time.  I also saw my friend I met through Facebook, Jennifier George!  She was there with her husband two daughters running her very first half marathon.  I spoke to her while she was waiting in line and I spotted Tricia up the hill at the starting line so started walking up.  We took pictures and I took one with Jennifier then it was time to run!  The gun went off and I took off up the hill.  That should have been my sign.  If a half marathon starts on a hill, you will be eating them for 13.1 miles.  The first 4 miles were rolling hills.  Looooong rolling hills.  My Garmin said I ran my first mile at 9:12.  I think it is full of baloney.  Surely, I didn't start that fast?  For the next 3 miles, I ran 10:11, 10:17, and 10:10.  I was feeling good, but I went ahead and ate one of my snickers.  I stopped at all of the water stops.  I drank red Powerade (Ick) twice and water the rest.  I remembered Leah saying the first 6 miles would be tough and my miles 5 and 6 were 10:24 and 10:12.  I looked at my watch to see I ran 6 miles in exactly one hour!  I was super pumped because I was on track to PR and maybe if I hustled finish in 2:10 which was my goal time.  Unfortunately I started to suffer a little during miles 7-10.  It seemed like I was steadily hill climbing during these miles.  There were so many ups and not enough downs to get a break from climbing.  My pace for those miles started to drop.  I ran 7-10 at 10:31 (big hill), 10:46 (getting tired), 10:53 (I took my first walk break at 9.5 miles because surely I could walk faster up the hill than I was running), and mile 10 I ran at 11:01 (tired just tired).   But then something happened after I finished up 10 miles of the hilliest course I have ever run... The Whip and the Nae Nae song game on.  Thank you Lord!  I started thinking about the dance moves instead of how much my legs were hurting!!  I even managed a couple of dance moves while running.  Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to take your mind off of what you are doing.  If that makes sense.  I think I ate my second snickers around mile 8 or 9.  I honestly can't remember.  Those miles are blurry. Back in March when I had a 4 minute PR, it was because I really picked up my pace for miles 10-13.  I managed to pick up my pace again and I was so thankful for what seemed like more down hills to the finish line.  Maybe it was just my imagination, but I ran miles 11-13 at 10:10, 10:15, and 10:22.  My 13th mile might have been a little faster, if there had not been a ginormous hill to climb at 12.5 miles.  I seriously could not feel my legs at this point.  I just had to stop and take a picture of this hill and made sure to tell the volunteer holding up a poster at the top that that was just wrong to have to climb a hill at the end of a race.  I had to cross over the 4 lane to get back to the park and I apologized to the police officers holding up traffic for me.  I was basically hobbling as fast as I could.  Thankfully, I made it across and that uphill we had to run at the starting line was a lovely down hill to the finish.  Thank you Jesus.  I said this a lot especially at the end of this race.  I said "hey!" to one of Jennifier's little girls who was waiting on her Momma.  I heard the announcer say my name and number and that I run for Sophia!  I started running faster just in time to see the clock hit 2:16.  I didn't care.  I was so happy to cross that finish line and thankful the race was over.  I saw Leah and she said she PR'd.  I knew when she passed me that I should stick with her if I wanted to PR.  Maybe next year I will have enough gas in the tank to tackle all of those hills!!  My legs hurt so badly, I sat down to stretch and talked to Jennifier's youngest daughter.  She said she was almost 7 years old.  I told her I had a little girl who was 8!  I decided to eat something so I grabbed a piece of pizza and went to sit in my truck a minute.  I took one bite of the pizza and it almost came right back up. Nope, can't eat that just yet.  I put my phone back in my phone case and went back to the finish line to find Tricia and Jennifier.  They had both just finished their race!  We took pictures and chatted for a few minutes then it was time for me to go shower and gather my things to head home.

 I told Jennifier she picked the hardest half marathon to run first and if she could run that one she could run them all.  Wow.  What a morning and what a challenging race!  I do love a challenge and I do remember laughing during the race because it was so hard.  Sometimes I laugh when I should probably should start crying!  I am so thankful for this race and the whole experience.  I can't say enough about the people up there in Meridian.  Super super friendly and nice people.  The volunteers and the police officers kept us safe and they did such an amazing job.  The wooden medal was just the icing on the cake.  My first wooden medal!  Even though I didn't get that PR I was hoping for, I feel like I trained the best way I could running hills every week all summer and through the fall.  Last year when I stepped up to the starting line in Pensacola, I already had a hurt knee.  This year I stepped up to the starting line injury free and did not experience any knee pain whatsoever during this half marathon!  Praise the Lord!!  I have been pain free for 7 months now and it is such a blessing.  I have struggled with so many different kinds of knee pain that I hope this encourages you to know it can go away and stay away!  My advice is to go get fitted for shoes and try to work on your running form.  I used to be a heel striker and now I run on the balls of my feet.  It takes practice, but for some reason since I have done this, my knees don't hurt.  Running the Magnolia Half Marathon showed me all of my hard work paid off, that I'm still a strong distance runner, maybe not the fastest, but strong.  I like the word "strong" better than the word "fast."  Two years ago, I ran my first half marathon in 2:18:56 and it was completely flat.  Two years later, two years older, I ran the hardest, hilliest course ever in 2:16:03.  Strong.  I like that.  Next weekend I will run the St. Jude Half Marathon in Memphis.  To get a course record, I will have to beat 2:27:10.  I'm still hoping to PR even though this course will be hilly too.  I'm going to run as hard as I can for those children.  Thank y'all for reading and for sticking with me on this journey!!  God gets all the glory for bringing me this far.  It has been such a blessing to not only run, but to be able to run pain and injury free.  Amen!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Jesus, family, running journey

"It took her awhile to figure out she could run, but when she did... It changed her life." 

I started my running journey on February 7, 2013 using the Couch to 5k program.  I had been a member of our local wellness center for a little over a year and saw fliers on the counter for the Hippity Hop for your Heart 5k benefiting the American Heart Association.  George Regional Hospital would be having it on March 30, 2013 and I simply said to myself "I think I want to run that."  I had a lot of trouble losing my baby weight after my third child was born on March 4, 2011.  I joined the gym when he turned a year old in 2012 and took classes which helped me get back in shape.  The next year I saw a couple of people post about the Couch to 5k program and I decided I would give it a try to prepare for my first 5k race.  I remember Day One of the program like it was yesterday.  I took my daughter to dance and tried to run and walk at the park in Hurley, Mississippi.  My chest started hurting and I had palpitations.  It was like my body went into shock, like "what are you doing to me??"  Needless to say, I only made it through 15 minutes of Day One.  Even though I had been taking classes for a year, I had not been doing enough cardio. I had never been a runner even though I played soccer in high school. I couldn't even run the whole two miles required for tryouts back then.  I was diagnosed with a heart valve problem called Mitral Valve Prolapse in 2004 that kept me from exercising for many years because I had so many issues with palpitations.  Any time my heart rate would go up, my heart would jump out of rhythm.  I didn't want to give up, so I tried Day One of the C25k program the next day and was able to finish!  I have such humble beginnings because I would run up and down my driveway which is .2 miles to the mailbox and back.  I remember the moment in week 5 of the program when I ran 20 minutes straight.  I will never forget that feeling.  It felt amazing!  I ran my first 5k with my family waiting for me at the finish line with a time of 34:36.  I was so happy! After that race, I was hooked!  

In 2013, I ran several 5k's and won many age group awards, one 10k, and I ran my very first half marathon.  It was the Kaiser Realty Half Marathon in Orange Beach, Alabama November 30, 2013.  I had a running coach and training partner for that half and finished with a time of 2:18:56.
My family and I had the best time in Orange Beach that weekend.  Not only did I finish my first half marathon, Auburn beat Alabama that very same day!!  It was the most perfect day.  

Shortly after my first half marathon, I injured my right knee. It was an IT Band injury because it hurt on the outside of my right knee.  I had planned to run the Rock and Roll New Orleans Half Marathon in 2014 and could not due to injury.  I ran on a hurt knee for over a month before heading to an Orthopedic doctor.  He told me no running for 3 weeks and after that time was up, I could start walking, then walking and running.  Then while I was injured and not able to run, I was diagnosed with Melanoma skin cancer February 19, 2014.
 I will never forget that phone call.  I was so devastated and felt like I had been given a death sentence.  My sweet husband had bought me a treadmill that month and I remember walking and running on it after my 3 weeks were up.  I am so thankful for praying family and friends during that time.  I received good news on March 11, 2014 that the melanoma had not spread!  Praise the Lord!  I am still so thankful for God's healing power.  I celebrated by running a 5k the next weekend and I had lost a lot of my speed.  I had built up to running 3 miles in a little over 26 minutes and I dropped back to about 30-31 minutes.

I would go on to run 4 more half marathons in 2014 and even attempted a running streak.  Wouldn't you know I got injured again!  This time it was the back of my left knee which started in September and eventually turned into runner's knee.  The pain shifted to hurting all over my knee cap and it was very painful to run by mid March.  My most memorable 2014 race was running the St. Jude Half Marathon December 4, 2014 in honor of Jaxon Schoenberger, a 6 year old boy who passed away on October 31, 2014 from D.I.P.G.  Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas are brain tumors that are highly aggressive and difficult to treat.  Our team had several fundraisers for him and raised over $11,000 for St. Jude Children's Hospital.
 I met Jaxon's parents at a wedding several years ago and did get to meet Jaxon in person at our Newk's fundraiser before his health started to deteriorate.  My two daughters and I put on a fundraiser at our family owned restaurant, Rocky Creek Catfish Cottage, for him also after he passed.  I will never forget that time in my life.  It was the first time I felt like I was making a difference by raising awareness for childhood cancer and teaching my kids the importance of raising money and running for a cause.

I ran two half marathons to start off the year 2015!  My knee had slightly improved, but I ran the Mississippi Blues Half with a knee brace, then the Sea Turtle Half in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  One of my favorite moments of this year happened at the Gulf Coast Half Marathon in Gulf Shores, Alabama March 1, 2015.  I PR'd the Sea Turtle Half by a few seconds finally beating my time from my very first half marathon.  However, I had a HUGE PR at Gulf Coast merely a week after Sea Turtle of 2:14:50!  Nearly a FOUR minute personal record.  That meant the world to me!  I had worked so hard and overcome two knee injuries and melanoma skin cancer!  Of course, my sweet family was waiting for me at mile 11 holding signs and then raced to the finish line to wait for me there.  I can't say enough about my husband and three beautiful children.  They are my number one fans and support me in everything I do.  

Next up was to train for my very first marathon which was the St. Jude Country Music Marathon in Nashville, April 25, 2015.  I ran so many half marathons from November to March, I had a great 13 mile base and built my mileage from there.  I ran my first 16 mile training run way too fast and my slightly injured left knee turned into a full blown runner's knee injury.  I ran another half marathon as a training run at the end of March and made it 17 miles total.  I crossed that finish line in a whole lot of pain and I was limping.
 I tried to run my 20 mile training run two weeks later and only made it 3 miles.  I threw in the towel that day, but I'm so thankful for the support of my Facebook friends, Joanna from Races For Awareness text me a lot that sad day.  I also got some great advice from Gelcys from Runner Unleashed on how to tape my knee with KT Tape.  I used it on a couple of short runs and didn't have any pain.  I rested until it was time for the BIG SHOW.  I also ran my first marathon as a St. Jude Hero and raised another $1000 for the hospital.  My husband and two daughters made the long trip to Nashville the Friday before the race.

 I can't say enough about Nashville and running my first marathon there.  The crowd was amazing!
 I assigned one person to pray for each mile for 26 miles and the last .2 was for me.  Praying for a certain person during each mile helped take my mind off what I was actually doing and focus on that person.  I got sick after running 8 miles and felt nauseated.  I'm thankful that feeling eventually went away, but after finishing half of the race, I was tired.  My husband and girls met me with cold Gatorade and water and a mini Snickers bar.  It was wonderful.  My taped up knee barely hurt me the entire race.  I believe it was not only the tape that helped, but a true miracle from God.  My knee hurt so badly during training in March and April, there is no other way to explain how I didn't have much pain at all during the marathon.  I could tell my training was lacking because of how tired I felt from miles 14-26.  I ran and walked most of the second half.  A blister popped at mile 20 and I had to stop and take off my shoe to see what was going on!
 That had never happened before, ever.  By the grace of God I made it close to the finish line when I saw my precious husband and my two daughters crawled under the fence to run and cross the finish line with me.
 This went down as one of the best moments of my life aside from my wedding day and the day that each of my children were born.  My girls will always remember crossing that finish line with me and it's a special moment that no one can ever take away.  I'm so thankful I got to share that with them.  It makes me wonder how many more finish lines we will cross together.

I am now training for half marathons number 9 and 10.  I plan on running the St. Jude Half again in December.  I originally planned to run the full, but I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma and had to have two more surgeries, one on my forehead and unfortunately one on my leg.  

My surgery forced me to sit out from running a week and slow down training.  I didn't train for three weeks so I had to drop to the half.  After all of my knee injuries, I believe it was the smart thing to do.  

So we are a Jesus loving family of runners!  All five of us took part in our local 5k, the Dancing Martin 5k in Leakesville, MS recently on October 3, 2015.  My husband and I ran the 5k and all three kids ran the fun run!  I gave my son my bib and he was so proud.
 Oh, my heart just completely spilled over watching him!  I managed to finally get a 5k PR after TWO years of trying to beat my long standing time of 27:26.  I finished this 5k with a time of 26:51!  I was so excited!  It felt like I had made a major comeback after being diagnosed with skin cancer again!  My husband finished with a time of 35:02 and he doesn't run very much at all.  I thought that was amazing.  I was so proud of him.  We both won first place in our age groups and all five of us brought home medals that day.  
It truly was a perfect day!  We've done a lot of color runs and local races together but this was the first race all 5 of us participated in.  Sweet sweet memories.
 I am so thankful to God and my family and this gift of running.  All of this would have never happened if it hadn't been for that day at the Wellness Center when I saw those fliers on the counter for the Hippity Hop 5k two and a half years ago.  My husband probably will never be a distance runner, but I think I have three little running partners who may want to run half marathons or even marathons with me one day.  I wonder which one it will be?  I can't wait for them to ask one day in the future, "Momma will you train me to run a half marathon with you?"  and my answer will be "Yes baby, I sure will. Now which one would you like to run?"

Monday, April 27, 2015

St. Jude Country Music Marathon Recap

Wow!!  It has been 2 days since I crossed my marathon finish line with my daughters.  What an incredible and amazing experience!  I am so excited to tell y'all all about it!

My husband, Christopher, two daughters, Aubrynn (11) and Addy (8) and myself loaded up and headed to Nashville, Tennessee a little before 9 AM.  My girls were really excited, mainly because they thought they were going to meet Keith Urban!  We stopped and ate Olive Garden in Tuscaloosa (War Eagle lol!) and arrived in Nashville around 4 o'clock Friday afternoon.  The exit we needed to take to get to the Expo which was at Music City Center was one HUGE traffic jam so we didn't get to the Expo until around 4:30.  I had been texting my friend Debi from Girls Run the 901, because she was going to be there working the Skirt Sorts Booth!  I met Debi at the St. Jude Half Marathon in December and was so excited to see her!  Hubby dropped off the girls and I and we headed into Music City Center!  Christopher met us inside after parking and we took a lot of pictures outside of the Expo and headed into pick up my bib number and shirt.  
We took a few more pictures and I did a little shopping before finding Debi!
 I found her!  She gave me great advice and said "Take it one mile at a time; you've got this!"  
Those words would become part of my mantra during my race the next day!

After seeing Debi, we headed to the hotel to check in and eat because our dinner reservations were at 6:30 PM at The Row.  It was only a block from our hotel so we walked to dinner!  It was really good!! I filled up on biscuits, sweet potato fries and a smoked turkey sandwich.  YUM!  We headed back to our room for showers and pajamas.  I read so many encouraging words on Facebook and Instagram and my sister posted this Bible verse on my timeline with the sweetest message.
 She wrote: "I have watched you train, fall, and get back up.  You have kept your eye on the goal, despite many setbacks!  I'm so in awe of your determination!  I pray you have the best race possible tomorrow.  Keep your eyes fixed upon the finish line and enjoy!  Love you!"  This brought tears to my eyes and really topped off my motivation tank!  All that day I kept picturing the finish line.  I was concerned about my knee since I did not make it past 17 miles in training, but I was eerily calm all day Friday and race morning believe it or not.  I slept surprisingly well Friday night (thank you Nyquil).

Next thing I know it is RACE morning!  The strange thing was, I woke up with a praise and worship song in my head.  I kept singing the same words over and over again, "All the earth is filled with Your glory, GLORY, we give You glory, GLORY."  I had no idea who sang that song and knew it wasn't already on my playlist.  My music on my playlist goes from Praise and Worship music to Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, John Legend, Enrique Iglesias (oh yeah), Britney Spears and so on.  I had to type in the lyrics of the song that was in my head and found out it was by Phil Wickham called "Glory" so I downloaded the song and put it on my playlist as I was getting dressed.  I also followed the instructions from a video that Gelcys from Runner Unleashed, and taped my left knee with KT Tape my husband had bought for me a long time ago.  I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and banana.  I prayed and kissed my family goodbye before heading downstairs to walk to the starting line.  The weather was supposed to be rainy most of the morning, but wouldn't you know the rain had pushed on through during the night?  Another answered prayer!  I made my way to the starting line which was about a mile or so away.  It was a good warm up for my legs.  I was supposed to meet Debi and the Run 365 group at 5th and Broadway by 6:40.  I was right on time, but the closer I got to 5th avenue the more people there were!
 I sent Debi a message that I couldn't get through all the people and wished her luck.  She was running the half marathon.  She messaged me back "Have a wonderful race! One mile at a time. You got this."  I turned and made my way back to my corral which was number 26!  Coincidence??  I think not!  I thought that was a very good sign!

It was 7 o'clock and time to start!  We sang the National Anthem and the waves started moving through very slowly one by one.  I don't think our wave started until about 7:45, but I was calm and patient believe it or not.
 If anybody knows me, I am not calm or patient about anything, but that day I was.  I had what I hoped was a good feeling about my race.  It was our turn to start and I was with the 5 hour pacer group.  
After we crossed the starting line we were running down town and could see all the fun places like... bars...restaurants, and such.  I had my prayer miles memorized and started praying for my mile one person.  Aaaaaand we started running hills which never seemed to end... oh for about 13 miles! Whew.  I tried to stick with my 5 hour group, but only made it about 4 miles with them.  I knew I needed to slow down and run 12 minute miles which was my original plan.  I was also pretty hot, but it didn't really bother me because we had cloud cover.  I ran, I prayed for my people on my prayer list, and around mile 5, I was hungry and I had almost drank all of my half Gatorade half water that was in my 20 ounce bottle.  That bottle would be my very best friend as it turned out.  I ate an Apple Pie Larabar at mile 5 and stopped at a water station and dumped two cups of water in what was left of my Gatorade/water mixture.. Oh dear, that was a mistake.  First of all, I had not trained with the Apple Larabar. I always eat the Blueberry Muffin Larabars on my runs, but thought I would get tired of eating the same thing so I brought the Apple. You know what happened after I ate the Apple Larabar?  I felt sick.  My water bottle had hot water mixed with Gatorade, which also added to my EXTREME nausea.  I was so sick by mile 6 and stopped and used the porta potty (number one thankfully NOT number 2).  I stopped drinking the hot mixture in my bottle and took a piece of gum out of my pocket.  This helped my stomach settle.  I'm thinking I may have drank too much too quickly and the Larabar I had never tried before unsettled my stomach.  I eventually poured out the hot mixture in my bottle and ran with it empty, stopping to drink just water at the water stations.  I knew my husband and daughters were meeting my at the half way point with more Gatorade and fuel.  The first half of the race went by rather quickly.  The crowd support was simply amazing!  I high fived so many little kids, saw a man that appeared to be naked holding up a hot pink poster that said "if you don't finish I will drop this sign" or something like that, I saw a group standing by drinking coffee and asked a man if I could have some!  He kindly held his cup out to me.  I passed a group dancing in the streets and one guy wearing a jester's hat started dancing with the runners!  They were having so much fun.  It was a nice distraction!

So I made it 10 miles, feeling pretty good, taking it slowly, and I kept waiting for my knee to start hurting.  Making it 10 miles was a really big deal and I knew that the marathon runners would be splitting from the half marathon runners soon according to the map.  Sure enough after 11 miles, it was time to split, and oh my word at the half marathon group!  So many went to the right and so little went to the left.
 This was a happy moment for me.  I danced a lot during the split and felt like such a "big girl runner" if that makes any sense.  Volunteers were passing out GU, which I passed on and started eating my Blueberry Muffin Larabar.  It didn't hurt my stomach!  My husband had text me to say they were standing right before mile 14.  It seemed like it took me forever to reach them.  I could tell by the time I did reach my husband and girls that I was physically tired.  I had also noticed my knee was hurting.  It wasn't hurting like it had during training, but it was there.  My girls filled up my water bottle with cold Gatorade and water and Christopher gave me a mini Snickers bar.  Best THING EEEVVEER.  Hungry?  Why wait?  He gave me two more Larabars which I never opened.  I told them bye and started running again.  In the meantime, while I was refueling, the 5:30 pace group passed by.  OOOOOH boy.  Wow.  I didn't let it shake me, but I knew the marathon cut off was 6 hours.  I just needed to beat the 6 hour time limit!  I stopped at the porta potty one last time at mile 15.  I posted my picture at mile 16 on my Facebook page to give y'all an update and ask for prayer.
 Boy I was tired.  I walked and ran the rest of the race.  Probably walking more than running, but my knee was carrying me through!  I kept remembering what Debi had told me.  "One mile at a time."  My aunt had also told me "Take it one step at a time."  I kept reciting this over and over in my head.  I kept praying for each person I had assigned for that mile and the miles clicked by!  I was pretty excited to hit mile 18, then 19, then omg 20!!!!  
And then SQUISH. Um...what was that??  I felt something squish in my shoe and knew immediately I had a blister that popped.  It happened as soon as I made it to the 20 mile marker.  I stopped at the curb and sat down, (OOOOOOOUUUCH that hurt to sit down), pulled off my sock and shoe (why am I so dirty?? I had grass and dirt all over my legs), and sure enough, it was a blister on my baby toe on my left foot.  I yanked the skin off, put my sock and shoe back on, and kept going.  It caused very minimal pain and my bad knee was running LIKE.. A.. BOSS.  Starting at around mile 17, there was very little shade.  I started getting really hot.  I finished the drink my family had poured me and just kept refilling it with water at the aid stations.  It was hot water, but it was something and it helped.  We ended up running around a park during miles 21-24 and there was a pond.  It relaxed me to see water!  I felt calm and peaceful and prayed for my family.   Prayer miles 22-26 belonged to my husband and three children.  Just before we made it to mile 23, I met Bridget!  A super cute blonde from Oakland California.  She was running and walking and I was running and walking and kept catching up with her.  I was probably super annoying her, but she would turn and smile at me each time I would catch up with her.  We introduced ourselves and she asked where I was from and about my family.  She said this was her second marathon and if she pushed herself, she would get a PR.  I texted my husband at mile 23 and told him "OMG this hurts" and I read messages from Kristina (Live Laugh Love Run) and Gelcys (Runner Unleashed). I told them I was at mile 23.  Almost done!  I was thankful for the conversation with Bridget.  I was exhausted and it helped to talk to someone those last grueling miles of the race.  She kept saying "It is so HOT!  Don't you think it's hot?? And humid!"  I said "Yes, it is very humid."  We started running together at mile 25 and I made it to almost mile 26 before I had to walk again.  Bridget turned around and said "Come on!! We're almost finished!!!"  Talk about motivation!  I started running again and could see my husband smiling and waving!  I turned into Tennesse Titan Stadium and my girls squeezed through the fence to run the last tenth of a mile to the finish line!!
 We held hands and lifted our arms as we crossed the finish line!!  Oh what a moment to be able to share with them!!!!  I was finished!  I did it!!  By the grace of God I finished my first marathon!!  I got my medal and a bottle of water and sat down to wait for my husband.  My daughter took this picture of me with my glorious marathon medal!!  
Someone handed me a cold, wet, towel!  Oh thank you! We had to walk to meet my husband and had our picture taken.  
Christopher was so kind to give me a piggy back ride part of the way back to our truck.  
I was ready for a shower and food!! I had a wonderful celebration dinner that night at Ruth Chris.

I would like to dedicate this race to the patients of St. Jude Children's Hospital, and my I Run 4 buddy, Sophia.  I knew when I started running, that I wanted to run for others.  I want to run for those who can't.  This marathon will always be so special to me and I would like to thank my husband, my children, my family, and my friends who encouraged me, supported me, loved me, prayed for me and believed in me. First, I had to believe in myself and everything else fell into place.  God and His Son get all the glory for this accomplishment.  I could not have done it without Him.  He was with me every step of this journey and I know He has big plans for me.  God bless you all and thank you all for being here, following my journey as well!